Credit Education Seminars

Tracy Becker, President & Owner of North Shore Advisory, Inc. regularly educates professionals in credit and the scoring systems.  She provides credit education for loan officers, realtors, CPA’s, attorneys, universities, hospitals, associations, financial planners, and other professionals for whom credit qualification is important. Her seminar series is popular because of her ability to explain the complexities of modern credit reporting in a straightforward and engaging style. Tracy presents 100 to 200 seminars per year all across the country.

You’ll learn the following and be able to educate clients on:

  • What makes for great scores
  • What information is on credit reports
  • The rules of credit
  • How to navigate with success through the vast misinformation
  • Identity theft and credit card fraud protection
  • How to protect yourself against identity theft
  • Business credit scores and their importance
  • Varied credit scores
  • Inquiries
  • How to use credit education to build relationships with potential clients, customer base, and referral sources

Contact us for information about how you can sponsor an educational seminar.

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